Monday, October 4, 2010

Halloween Open House Phoenicia Library Oct. 31st 2-5 PM
Little pirates, witches, firemen, super heroes and all are welcome!


Young Scientists Homeschoolers Ecology Class displayed their work in the library's front window, came and have a look!
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FABULOUS SUMMER Reading prizes!
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Beautiful Rainbow after a storm, the night of Phoenicia's Annual Meeting with the community!
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Microscopic Life in the Water

As part of our summer reading program, Holly graff lead a Microscopic life in the Water Workshop. Using both the compound light microscope and the stereo microscope, participants will discovered the tiny world that exists within our local waterways. They collected water samples from the local Esopus Creek tributary, made their own slides, and searched for single-celled protozoa and algae as well as larger organisms such as rotifers, arthropods, and insects. They aslo made water colors and journal entries of what the saw!

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In June, Susan Richards, bestselling author of Chosen By A Horse gave a reading from her latest book SADDLED

"This is a memoir about the restorative gifts from taking care of an animal — the importance of constancy, the beauty of quiet, steadfast love, the way loving a good (and sometimes bad!) animal can keep you going. And it's a wonderful story for Susan's (and Georgia's) fans, and for anyone who has ever loved an animal enough to keep on living."